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Hi Bob

A long time has passed since that trip! Sandy's husband actually stood up in our wedding - ironic isn't it.

Well I enjoyed reading about the adventure again and hope all is well with you. My husband and I live in the cities with our three children.

Glad to hear you are still with CC and we will keep your ministry in our prayers.

Do you know of any student who could use some financial support for Christmas Conference?

Heidi Thompson (UW-EC)

Heidi Thompson (


For some reason I just saw your comment. Oops! I'm a bad blogger!
Thanks for commenting and thanks for praying for us! If you send me your snail-mail address, I'd love to add you to our ministry newsletter address so you can see some specific prayer requests.
Also, I am sure there will be students in need of help getting to Christmas conference. Let me know how I should have them contact you or how you'd like to make a gift for that.

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