At the end of Michael Richardson's biography of Bil Bright, called Amazing Faith, he shares short snippets of wisdom from Bill. Today, I offer you Bill's thoughts on "Victory Every Day."
1. As an act of your will, decide that you are going to be full of the joy of the Lord. You are the one who decides whether you're going to rejoice or be discouraged and sad. (Bill believed that whatever God commanded, He would enable us to do by faith. God commanded us in Philippians 4:4 to "Rejoice in the Lord always.")
2. Demonstrate before all men an unselfish, considerate attitude. (Philippians 4:5 "Let your gentle spirit be known to all men.")
3. Remember that the Lord can come at any moment and be prepared. (Philippians 4:5 "The Lord is near...")
4. Do not worry about anything. (Once Bill was asked about the problems he was facing in ministry and he responded by saying, "I don't have any problems." He went on to explain that, as a servant of Jesus Christ, it is his Master's job to take care of any problems, not the servant's role. Of course, we are also commanded in Philippians 4:6 "Be anxious for nothing.")
5. Pray about everything. (Again from Philippians 4:6...Are you sensing a pattern?)
6. Thank Him in faith for His answers. (Philippians 4:6 "...with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.")